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Emulation Article Leads to Backlash
Emulation has long been a great way for players to enjoy older titles that may no longer be accessible or playable through the traditional means, whilst also providing a way for enthusiasts to fix issues that may exist in the older versions of the game and to gain a better experience – it's a passionate sub-genre, and something that shows no signs of slowing down as the emulators become more sophisticated and available on a wider range of devices, in fact many would recommend to at least try an emulator at some point to regain some nostalgia from the early classics, even so much so that they have become common on websites too, or variations as different game genres include popular characters as a main theme. It's not common to see emulation and rom use in a negative light, but that is exactly what happened with the latest Metroid release on Nintendo.

(Image from
Whilst Metroid Dread was received very well by the community, and article was released by a very notable site in the gaming community that not only praised the game but encouraged users to emulate it by stating that it performed better and provided a much better experienced if emulated on the PC – an article that received a lot of backlash as fans of the game were concerned over the seemingly unapologetic call to get users to download and play a brand new game without paying for it, especially given it had taken so long for the game to be released and any lost sale could result in the franchise either going a long stint without another title or being scrapped all together in the future due to poor sales numbers.
An update was later released stating that the intention wasn't to get users to illegally obtain copies of the game – going on to say that whilst they believe emulation is a vital part of the world of gaming when done correctly to preserve older games, it isn't something that should be done for newer titles. The wording was certainly misleading, and for some it has left a sour taste in the mouth, emulation has always been praised so highly and there have long been pushes to see more support officially for emulators to avoid the grey area that some feel it operates in, this sort of article does it no favours.
If anything it is showing a change in the gaming market that this is even a possibility, however, and may mean that archiving even newer titles to be stored away and played at convenience could be something possible in the future without the need to wait years for emulation to become available – so whilst the recent news may not be condonable, does show that some things may be changing.